We are glad to help advertise your business/services on our platforms.
Here are 4 ways we could collaborate:
Blog Advertisements
Place your ads on spots around our blog. Simple and easy pricing as below:

Blog Sidebar (Top)
Ad appears on the first slot in sidebar. Sidebar appears both on home page and each blog post
RM 350/mth

Blog Sidebar (Bottom)
Ad appears on the last slot in sidebar. Sidebar appears both on home page and each blog post
RM 250/mth

Middle Blog Post
Ad appears in the middle of a particular blog post for that month
RM 200/mth

Ad appears on the footer of each page and posts. Only 1 slot available at a time.
RM 200/mth
Sponsored Blog Post

A professionally written blog article about your product/service.
RM 350/post
Here's a sample Sponsored Post
Instagram Stories

A shoutout and tag on our Instagram story. It stays permanently on our stories highlights.
RM 25/story (Bulk pricing available)
Instagram Posts Carousel

Our new and effective way to share swipeable info cards on Instagram posts.
RM 350/series (up to 8 posts per series)
Here are samples from our Instagram page:
Email Advertising (Coming Soon)
Place your advertisement in our email newsletter or we’ll send a custom email about your product/services/promotions to our exclusive email list.
Coming Soon
Interested in Advertising or Collaborating?
Fill in the form below and we’ll contact you the soonest